Case Study: A monitored recruitment campaign...

  Getting statistics for any advertising campaign is difficult. It requires the ads to be monitored in all publications in which they appear, all email and telephone responses to be recorded and applications to be matched to their ad source - and then tracked through to interview stage and finally the appointment.

For the results to be accurate, every ad needs to carry a unique identifier and no Job Description should be issued or discussion take place with any prospective candidate until the identifier they saw has been ascertained and recorded. Few advertisers do this in view of the extra time and effort it takes. But it is the only way to really find out what works and what doesn't.

One advertiser who has done so, and agreed to make the results public, is LOGO Management Resources, a provider of contractors and recruitment services to Councils. When requested to recruit a General Manager for Walgett Shire Council, LOGO monitored the whole campaign. Unique job codes in all ads provided LOGO with accurate feedback...

  • CouncilJobs produced the most candidates (10 out of 23)
  • CouncilJobs produced the top 4 candidates (the only ones short listed for interview)
  • CouncilJobs produced the winning candidate
  • CouncilJobs ads cost just $198 all up (total spend was $896 on internet + $4055 on print ads)

    The campaign covered the eight most popular print and internet publications (SMH, Job Directory, CouncilJobs, Seek, CareerOne, LGNet, LGJobs, LGAdds).

    In summary, the actual results were...
  • CouncilJobs:(13 enquiries, 10 applications, 4 shortlisted, 1 appointed, cost $ 198)
  • Other * :(27 enquiries, 8 applications, 0 shortlisted, 0 appointed, cost  $5,044)

    Previously monitored campaigns have produced similar results.

    If you haven't yet tried advertising on CouncilJobs for YOUR vacancies, maybe now would be a good time to try? After all, most households are now online and most job seekers actively use the internet to find jobs. If it's a council vacancy, CouncilJobs is the natural choice.

    * Details of responses from the other publications: ALGJD (15 replies, 6 applns, $1815), Sydney Morning Herald (3 replies, 1 appln, $2240), LGJobs (1 reply, 0 applns, $198), LGNet (1 reply, 0 applns, $82), LGAdds (0 replies, 0 applns, $165), CareerOne (1 reply, 1 appln, $121), Seek (6 replies, 5 applns [none relevant], $132). All ads were identical and placed simultaneously.

    Click here to lodge your ads online now.

Please let us know if you have any response statistics you'd like to share.